All County Scale Requirements

All County Band & Orchestra Audition

Scale Requirements

Updated 9.3.2014

Elementary Band Jr. HIgh Band Sr. High Band Jr. High Jazz


Elementary School Band Scale Requirements 

Flute Clarinet Oboe Alto/Bass Clarinet Saxophone Family
Horn Trumpet Trombone/Baritone Horn BC/Bassoon Baritone Treble Clef Tuba
Bells Percussionists use the NYSSMA Levels 1-2 requirements.

Junior High School Band Scale Requirements

  • Any Seven (7) Major scales must be memorized
  • Memorize & Perform chromatic scale (see scale page for specific requirements for each instrument)
  • Judge will select three (3) major scales to be performed
  • Major Scales will be performed:  one octave ascending and descending from memory using the quarter & 6 eighth notes pattern @ quarter note = 100
  • Chromatic Scale will be performed in straight eighth notes ascending and descending @ quarter note = 100
JHS Band Chromatic Scales requirements
Perform from memory ascending and descending in straight eighth notes @ quarter note = 80
Flute 2 octaves G – G
Oboe 2 octaves C – C
Clarinet 2 1/2 octaves low F – High C
Bassoon 2 octaves F – F
Bass Clarinet 1 octave C – C
Alto Sax 2 octaves D – D
Tenor Sax 2 octaves D – D
Bari Sax 2 octaves D – D
Trumpet 2 octaves low G – G
French Horn 1 octave C – C
Trombone 2 octaves F – F
Baritone 2 octaves F – F
Tuba 2 octaves F – F

Junior High Required Scales

Percussionists use the NYSSMA Level 3-4 requirements.



High School Band Scale Requirements 

  • All fifteen (15) Major scales must be memorized
  • Memorize & Perform chromatic scale (see scale page for specific requirements for each instrument)
  • Judge will select three (3) major scales to be performed
  • Major Scales will be performed:  one octave ascending and descending from memory using the quarter and six eighth notes pattern @ quarter note = 120
  • Chromatic Scale will be performed in straight eighth notes ascending and descending @quarter note = 120

From Nicki Regan:

   The Piccolo scale should be a 2 ½ octave chromatic scale from D to A.

HS Band Chromatic Scale requirements

Perform from memory ascending and descending in straight eighth notes @ quarter note = 120
Flute 3 octaves C – C
Oboe 2 1/2 octaves low Bb – F
Bassoon 2 1/2 octaves low C – G
Clarinet 3 octaves low F – High F
Alto Clarinet low E – High C
Bass Clarinet low E – High C
Alto Sax 2 1/2 octaves low Bb – High F
Tenor Sax 2 1/2 octaves low Bb – High F
Bari Sax 2 1/2 octaves low Bb – High F
Trumpet 2 octaves low G – G
French Horn 2 octaves low G – G
Trombone 2 octaves low F – F
Baritone 2 octaves low F – F
Tuba 2 octaves low F- F

High School Required Scales

Percussionists use the NYSSMA Level 5-6 requirements



Elementary Strings Scale Requirements

**All string auditions beginning in the 2009-2010 school year will include sight reading**
Elementary Strings Scale Requirements: All Scales Must Be Memorized Scales are to be performed at a moderate tempo, one quarter note per pitch
Violin I & II Scales only, one octave, G, D, A, C, F, judge will choose 3
Viola Scales only, one octave, G, D, A, C, F, judge will choose 3
Cello Scales only, one octave, G, D, A, C, F, judge will choose 3
Bass Scales only, one octave, F, G, D, student plays all


Elementary Violin Scales Elementary Viola Scales Elementary Cello Scales Elementary Double Bass Scales



Junior High School String Scale Requirements



Jr. High Violin Scales Jr. High Viola Scales Jr.High Cello Scales Jr.High Double Bass Scales


2009-2010 Jr. High Orchestra: There will be scales and sight reading for all instruments. All violins will audition on one solo. The solo will be performed for Judge #1. Scales and sight-reading will be performed in a separate room for Judge #2. Check the scale list for required scales for all instruments.
**All string auditions beginning in the 2009-2010 school year will include sight reading**
All Scales Must Be Memorized Scales are to be performed at a moderate tempo, one quarter note per pitch
Violin: C,G,F,Eb and Bb Major scales must be memorized one octave ascending and descending. D and A Major scales must be memorized two (2) octaves ascending and descending. Judge will select two (2) scales from C, G, F, Eb, and Bb to be performed from memory. Judge will select one (1) scale from D and A to be performed from memory.
Viola: C, A, F, Eb and Bb Major scales must be memorized one octave ascending and descending. G and D Major scales must be memorized two (2) octaves ascending and descending. Judge will select two (2) scales from C,A,F,Eb and Bb to be performed from memory. Judge will select one (1) scale from G and D to be performed from memory.
Cello: C, A, F, Eb and Bb Major scales must be memorized one octave ascending and descending. G and D Major scales must be memorized two (2) octaves ascending and descending. Judge will select two (2) scales from C,A,F,Eb and Bb to be performed from memory. Judge will select one (1) scale from G and D to be performed from memory
Bass: C, D, A, F, Eb and Bb Major scales must be memorized one octave ascending and descending. G Major scale must be memorized two (2) octaves ascending and descending. Judge will select two (2) scales from C, D, A, F, Eb and Bb to be performed from memory. Judge will select one (1) scale from G to be performed from memory.


High School String Scale Requirements

**All string auditions beginning in the 2009-2010 school year will include sight reading**

Violin, Viola, Cello:
All fifteen (15) Major scales must be memorized (2 octaves) Judge will select three (3) to be performed Scales will be performed: two octaves ascending and descending @ quarter note = 120
All fifteen (15) Major scales must be memorized E string scales (E, F, F#/Gb, G, G#/Ab) in two (2) octaves All other scales in one (1) octave Judge will select two E string scales and one other scale to be performed Scales will be performed: ascending and descending @ quarter note = 120


Violin Scales Viola Scales Cello Scales Bass Scales

High School All County Jazz


Mixolydian Scales Page 2.pdf


High School; twelve(12) scales prepared and three (3) will be asked @ the audition, one (1) from EACH category:
BLUES: C, F, B Flat, E Flat
DORIAN: C, F, B Flat, E Flat
MIXOLYDIAN: C, F, B Flat, E Flat
All scales given are in CONCERT PITCH! Please transpose accordingly!! Scales MUST be played in a SWING EIGHTH NOTE STYLE! @ quarter note= 120.

There will be SIGHT-READING  & Improvisation  is optional and only will be used in determining solo chairs. Any student wishing to improvise MUST bring their own CD “boom box”! The student will be expected to improvise  one (1) to two (2) choruses from the Volume II Jamie Albersold, “Nuthin’ But The Blues” recording.
A drum set will be furnished at the audition site ( drummers can bring their own kits, if they so desire), and Bass & Guitar slingers MUST bring their own amplification.

Junior High All County Jazz

Junior High School; seven (7) scales prepared and three (3) will be asked @ the audition, one (1) from each category:



BLUES: F, B Flat, E Flat
All scales given are in CONCERT PITCH! Please transpose accordingly!! Scales MUST be played in a SWING EIGHTH NOTE STYLE! @ quarter note= 120.

There will be SIGHT-READING  & Improvisation  is optional and only will be used in determining solo chairs. Any student wishing to improvise MUST bring their own CD “boom box”! The student will be expected to improvise  one (1) to two (2) choruses from the Volume II Jamie Albersold, “Nuthin’ But The Blues” recording.
A drum set will be furnished at the audition site ( drummers can bring their own kits, if they so desire), and Bass & Guitar slingers MUST bring their own amplification.